This month Parents United for Public Education and more than 16 parent organizations and bodies succeeded in changing the District's plan to scrap the multiple acceptances policy. Because of a rushed timeline, the District agreed to allow multiple acceptances this year only. But Parents United remains concerned that the District might remove this choice option next year. Administrators have termed multiple acceptances a "redundant step" and say it holds up the District's budgeting timeline. What do you think?
A comment sent to Parents United by pgodbolt:
"The high school selection process is a prelude to that of higher education where receiving multiple acceptances are ideal. To rush the process and eliminate multiple acceptances hinders our students and families from developing the valuable skill set of having to re-examine our earlier selections, weighing the pros and cons of each school and making a final choice. If we lose the opportunity to have this learning experience at the high school level, when then, do you propose our children learn, when they apply to college?"
A comment sent via email to Parents United from Anne LaBrum, parent, Meredith/Masterman:
"I understand what the difference is between the two, but I see it as a cost saving measure. I think we need to accept the fact that money needs to be saved, (personnel v. computer) and in return force the school district to allow for a change of heart. Lets ask them for a policy, clearly stated that would allow a student to change his or her mind, after the initial selection process say before May 30.
We, as Parents United would be able to clearly disseminate that change of heart process to our members and schools generally, while also supporting a switch from pen and paper selection process to a computer generated choice in the interest of saving money. Honestly, I would bet that 8 of 10 selections would be a match and not prompt a second process in the spring. A larger problem, as I see it, is the potential for abuse when the district chooses. Do they factor racial balance? Because you will never know that until you show up on day one. They have reasons to shuffle various demographics around. That may be a more effective way to question this policy. There is a lack of trust for 440, the lies have a long history
At the end of the day, there very few things that can be cut and not affect children and their families in some way shape or form.
For example, HSA meeting last night (not a single 8th gr parent even pesent) we were told by our principal that 440 is now sending large amounts of documents that were once delivered on paper, digitally. Great,except now, its paper from local schools that needs to be used in order for these imperative communications to be printed and distributed. 440 couched that as a cut that saves money and does not impact classrooms, but we will run out of paper by Christmas if they keep it up.
That said, I think we should encourage teachers ot post assignments on line and flyers on line using School Net, where each teacher can use a web page to communicate to homes. These web pages would be terrific to see what your high school teachers are all about as well. Its a pro active suggestion that saves money and supports classrooms."
Parents United for Public Education thanks all the parents, principals, schools and organizations who succeeded in working together on the issue of the changes in the high school selection process. ......... Praxis I
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